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Non-Profit & Social Service

The unique needs of Non-Profit and Social Service Agencies are understood only by brokers who specialize in analyzing their exposures and designing insurance programs to transfer their unwanted risk.

Waldorf values its relationships with human services agencies and organizations. It is charitable work that moves us to continue to dedicate our mission to your causes. The non-profits and social service agencies covered by Waldorf Risk Solutions vary in scope from assisted living for unwed mothers, foster care, community outreach centers, camps for underprivileged children, and medical suppliers for international underdeveloped countries. From volunteers insurance to camp accident insurance, we have the knowledge to meet your needs.

Waldorf’s non-profit and social service expertise enables us to evaluate your organization’s exposures and recommend a budget-conscience insurance package. We assist with all aspects of insurance needs, informing our clients about specific industry coverage. Waldorf works tirelessly with charitable causes to create insurance programs that guarantee a satisfied client.